Prof. Henryk Skarzynski awarded an honorary degree – honoris causa of the University of Warsaw

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Prof. Henryk Skarzynski awarded an honorary degree – honoris causa of the University of Warsaw

Prof. Henryk Skarzynski awarded an honorary degree – honoris causa of the University of Warsaw

On June 13, 2012 prof. Henryk Skarzynski was awarded an honorary degree – honoris causa of the University of Warsaw. The title was conferred by the Deans and Associate Deans and Councils of the Management and Biology Faculties. Prof. Skarzynski is the third physician in the history of Warsaw University who received this honorary title. The ceremony took place at the Faculty of Management of Warsaw University and it was attended by most eminent Polish scientists.

The honoris causa title was awarded to prof. Skarzynski by the Senate of University of Warsaw on the initiative of scientific societies of management and biology faculties for the development and implementation of innovative products in Polish and world medicine which include: program of total deafness treatment applying cochlear implants, program of partial deafness treatment, numerous innovative products, the program of early identification of hearing and speech disorders, new diagnostic tools and rehabilitation systems including the first in the world teleaudiology network.

Presentation of the nominee has been delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Management – prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, DSc and the Dean of the Biology Faculty – prof. Joanna Pijanowska, DSc.

Doctor honoris causa prof. Henryk Skarzynski delivered an occasional lecture on the risk of the innovative product management in medicine.

During the ceremony prof. Skarzynski expressed his gratitude to Deans and Associate Deans of the Management and Biology Faculties, High Councils for the nomination for this honorary title. Prof. Skarzynski addressed special thanks to the authorities of Polish science prof. Marek Krawczyk, prof. Wojciech Noszczyk and prof. Andrzej Kozminski for stating an opinion on his work. He expressed also cordial thanks to Her Excellency prof. Katarzyna Chalasinska-Mackow and the Senate of the University of Warsaw.

The honoris causa title is an honorary degree conferred by the universities to honour distinguished persons contributing to a specific field of science or culture. For prof. Henryk Skarzynski this was the second time when he received the honoris causa title. Prof. Skarzynski was bestowed his first honorary degree by authorities of the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw in 2011.