4th Congress of Innovative Economy attended by prof. Henryk Skarżyński

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4th Congress of Innovative Economy attended by prof. Henryk Skarżyński

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4th Congress of Innovative Economy under the honorary patronage of Bronisław Komorowski, the President of Poland, took place on 25-25 June 2013 in Copernicus Science Centre. For last 4 years the Congress, organized by the National Economy Chamber, has been an open platform for the exchange of opinions between all participants-beneficiaries of pro-innovative activities in our country. The platform serves for the development of solutions fastening the process of Polish economy transformation towards the innovative model.

This edition of the Congress had a slogan: “Innovativeness – how others are doing this? We learn from those who are the best!”. To the circle of the best Prof. Henryk Skarżyński was invited and gave a speech on: “Telemedicine and  Pharmacotherapy – how to stimulate a progress?”. The auditors of the speech had an opportunity to learn that it is possible to achieve innovative organizational, scientific and clinical success in Polish economic reality.  The presented example was the World Hearing Center, where numerous innovative solutions – in science, education and clinical activity – have been implemented. For scientific and research purposes, many unique scientific units equipped with state-of-the-art equipment have been established, as well as a new multimedia studio used in educational activity on a distance and telerehabilitation. The innovativeness of the World Hearing Center presents also Bioimaging Research Center, opened 4 years ago. This is the first center in Poland, where scientific and clinical research with the use of modern imaging methods are performed.  

– While preparing the assumptions and the plan of activity for the Center, I strongly believed that we will became the example to learn from – not only for young doctors but also for managers from all over the world. We have the reasons to be proud of, as we perform many pioneer hearing improving surgical procedures, we have the education center with excellent equipment and most modern in the world Laboratory of Head and Neck Clinical Research, and also we try to be an example of the institution where time, staff and resources are well managed. This brings the results at the world level – said Prof. Skarżyński in his speech.

During the two days of the Congress, 10 discussion panels with the participation of over 100 eminent representatives of science, business and politics from Poland, Israel, South Korea, Taipei and the Unites States took place.