European Research and Innovation Days in Brussels with participation of musically talented patients with hearing implants treated by Prof. Henryk Skarżyński

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European Research and Innovation Days in Brussels with participation of musically talented patients with hearing implants treated by Prof. Henryk Skarżyński

European Research and Innovation Days in Brussels with participation of musically talented patients with hearing implants treated by Prof. Henryk Skarżyński

European Research and Innovation Days, i.e. annual meetings of world leaders and decision makers in various areas of industry, science and business, held this year in Brussels, were graced with performances given by musically talented patients of Prof. Henryk Skarżyński and winners of the International Festival of Children, Youth and Adults with Hearing Disorders – “Beats of Cochlea”.

Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, one of the pioneers in the field of hearing implants in Poland and worldwide, has inserted, along with his team, over 8 500 various types of hearing implants, bringing back generations of patients to family, social and professional life. By initiating and implementing various programmes of deafness treatment in the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, he not only enabled them to learn or work, but also gave them a chance to professionally develop their artistic, vocal and musical interests. Prof. Skarżyński’s patients sing, compose, play musical instruments, and even record music albums and give concerts.

With the most talented patients in mind, the “Beats of Cochlea” International Musical Festival of Children, Youth and Adults has been organised in Kajetany for five years. All of its participants are the best ambassadors of what has been achieved in treating hearing disorders thanks to the progress in science and medicine.

Selected winners of previous editions of “Beats of Cochlea” presented their musical and vocal skills at the European Parliament on 24 September 2019. It is worth adding that it is the second performance by such patients artists in front of members of the European Parliament and the European Commission. The first one took place in the previous year at a special invitation of the then Chairman of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani.

This year’s inaugural session of the European Research and Innovation Days in Brussels saw performance by: Lova Rose Rohrmann Heick from Denmark, Salome Daghundaridze from Georgia, Davide Santacolomba from Italy and a duo from Poland: Barbara Kaczyńska and Maciej Miecznikowski, who, accompanied by the quintet of the “Divertimento” Youth Chamber Orchestra, sang the anthem of the “Beats of Cohlea”“The world I will hear”.

In the second part of the European Days, this time at a special invitation of the European Commissioner for science and research, Carlos Moedas, and in front of a numerous audience composed of journalists, performance was given by: Dejan Zivkovic from Serbia, Estera Łabiga from Poland and once again Lova Rose Rohrmann Heick from Denmark and Salome Daghundaridze from Georgia.

All the performances received a big round of applause and a very kind reception. The guests many a time repeated the words of Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General for Science, Research and Innovation of the European Commission, that the performing patients musicians are remarkable ambassadors of what Prof. Henryk Skarżyński has achieved in treating hearing   disorders thanks to the progress in science and medicine.

The greatest, unusual documentation of one of the biggest achievements of Polish science and medicine and their significant contribution to the development of otology and otosurgery worldwide over the last 27 years is the musical entitled “Broken silence”, with the libretto written by Prof. Henryk Skarżyński.

European Research and Innovation Days are annual meetings aimed at mobilising European citizens and raising their awareness of the important role of the development of research and innovation in meeting the challenges that our society faces. It is a great celebration of the best innovations and research methods offered by Europe, from the inception of an idea to the final high technologies.