In Warsaw, the inaugural edition of the prestigious Prix Galien Poland competition was completed. It is one of the most important competitions in the world, rewarding most innovative breakthroughs in pharmacy, medicine and the wide field of health care for 43 years. This symbolic inclusion of achievements of the Polish pharmaceutical market and medical research to the scientific world was held with the participation of Professor Henryk Skarzynski and the Team of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing. This is a special prize with the highest recognition in the world of medicine, which is considered to be, after the Nobel Prize, the most important award in this field.

During the Gala topping the competition, which was held on November 21 2012 at the Intercontinental Hotel were awarded Major and Prix Galien Elsevier Special Awards.
In the category “Innovative IT solutions for medicine” the team of engineers and other specialists from the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing headed by Professor Henryk Skarzynski won the Prix Galien Elsevier Special Award for the first in the world National Network of Teleaudiology.
The National Network of Teleaudiology is a system originated and organized by Professor Henryk Skarzynski, which includes telerehabilitation, telefitting, teleeducation, screening and telediagnostics.

– For the best results in terms of improved hearing after implantation of a cochlear implant, it is necessary to ensure a well-organized, long-term post-operative care for a patient. One of the most important tasks within the scope of this care is fitting of a cochlear implant. Typically used special procedure requires the patient to complete a series of visits carried out by an experienced, multidisciplinary team at the institution implanting cochlear implants. For most patients, these visits indicate the need for long journeys, which are often associated with high costs, absorb time and cause fatigue and therefore reduces the reliability of test results and adjustment of implanted devices. To reduce these costs, shorten travel time and distance that the patients has to overcome to reach out a group of professionals while providing patient services at the highest level, it was necessary to create a modern telemedicine system. System, that enables not only cheaper and more effective hearing and speech rehabilitation, but also the remote adjustment of cochlear implants. So was this system. Its uniqueness can be proved by the fact that for several years it regularly wins prestigious awards throughout the world. I am very pleased that to this set we can now add such an important award  in the field of medicine as the Prix Galien – said Professor Henryk Skarzynski receiving the medal.

Second very nice emphasis during the Gala was nomination in the category “Innovative research” for Piotr H. Skarzynski, MD, PhD and Tomasz Wolak, Eng., PhD for their work entitled “Investigation of auditory fatigue using fMRI “.

Introduction to research methods of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has created new opportunities to assess the phenomenon of auditory fatigue, especially with regard to the clarification of the many effects of this phenomenon on the upper floors of the auditory pathway. The methodology of the study of functional magnetic resonance imaging is a new discovery in the diagnostic methods. Its use in the evaluation of auditory fatigue is a new, unique approach in the world’s literature and the first in Polish one. Provides an opportunity to explain the phenomenon where the raised hearing threshold shift (TTS), which is characterized by variables, is possible to control.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging method for the first time made it possible to assess the effect on the level of the central nervous system.
Prix Galien Medal expresses the appreciation for the contribution of the researcher, producer, and a research team working for the good of humanity in their field, setting out the direction of innovation and progress. The competition is international and is conducted annually in 12 countries around the world.