Prof. Henryk Skarżyński is once again at the forefront of the 100 most influential people in Polish medicine

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Prof. Henryk Skarżyński is once again at the forefront of the 100 most influential people in Polish medicine

Prof. Henryk Skarżyński is once again at the forefront of the 100 most influential people in Polish medicine

On 24th March 2022, the Belvedere restaurant in Łazienki Królewskie hosted the gala of the 19th edition of the plebiscite by the “Puls Medycyny” journal – the List of Hundred 2021  (Lista Stu 2021). Once again, the chapter recognized Prof. Krzysztof Simon as the most influential person in Polish medicine in 2021 and Maciej Miłkowski, Deputy Minister of Health, as the person having the most positive impact on the Polish health care system in 2021. Prof. Henryk Skarżyński took fourth place. He was ranked in the List of Hundred in all plebiscites for 19 years – including 12 times in the top ten and twice (in 2015 and 2016) as the List leader. The diploma on behalf of Professor Skarżyński was received by Renata Korneluk, Ph.D., spokesperson for the institute. Prof. Piotr Skarżyński was ranked 33rd on the List of Hundred most influential people in Polish medicine. Together with Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, they were the only representatives of otorhinolaryngology, audiology, phoniatrics, and pediatric otorhinolaryngology.

During the ceremony, the editor-in-chief of “Puls Medycyny,” Małgorzata Konaszczuk, emphasized that the List of Hundred 2021 is a unique tribute to all the doctors and healthcare professionals – not just the ones ranked 1-100 but all the nominees and others, whose effort was not noted but who contribute to saving human life and health every day.

– In 2021, we fought against the pandemic, and we all hoped it would be ultimately overcome with vaccinations, and we would return to the normality that we had all longed for so much. – said Konaszczuk. – Meanwhile, this year’s finale of the List of Hundred is overshadowed by a global tragedy, which is the war in Ukraine. The influx of refugees and the need to care for them, including providing healthcare, are new, crucial challenges for doctors and healthcare.

For Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, the last year was marked by challenges and hard clinical and research work.

My scientific and professional achievements in 2021 – says Prof. H. Skarżyński – include publishing the first scientific monographs on treating partial deafness internationally – in English and Polish. They were based on my over 1300 demonstration surgeries conducted in different countries and the World Hearing Centre, authorship and co-authorship of 17 chapters in textbooks published in Polish and English, 73 publications (including 66 from the so-called Philadelphia list), 96 congress and convention reports, and 18 lectures as an invited speaker.

As Prof. H. Skarżyński admits, this enabled him to attain a “unique top-ten scientific position in contemporary literature for a dozen or so of index items. ” And when it comes to publications on treating partial deafness and screening tests in children – he adds – “I am ranked number 1”.

Among his clinical accomplishments, Prof. H. Skarżyński stresses “the greatest share in 20 years in performing – globally highest – number of otosurgical procedures in treating various hearing disorders.

Starting with this year’s edition of the List of Hundred, the editors of the “Puls Medycyny” decided to award an additional special accolade – to outstandingly merited people who no longer are on the list but have been nominees for many years. The symbolic title of the Polish Medicine Master was awarded to the recently deceased Prof. Marian Zembala, who was ranked on the List of Hundred since its very start in 2002. He appeared in the top ten in 2010, becoming number 1 on four occasions.

It was already the 19th time that the “Puls Medycyny” presented the profiles of doctors who had the largest impact on Polish medicine. In addition, for 5 years, the jury has been using a different ranking to recognize people who contributed to the improved functioning of the healthcare system in a given year.