About prof. Henryk Skarzynski

Home / About prof. Henryk Skarzynski

Sep 8, 2015


About prof. Henryk Skarzynski

Prof. Henryk Skarzynski, M.D., Ph.D., dr. h.c. multi, is a world-renowned otosurgeon, specialist in otorhinolaryngology, audiology, phoniatrics, and pediatric otolaryngology. Since 1996, he is the Director of the departmental Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing. Since 1994, the National Specialist in Audiology, then National Consultant in Audiology and Phoniatrics; since 2011 National Consultant in Otorhinolaryngology. Professor Skarzynski is the first surgeon in Poland to perform cochlear implantation (1992), bone conduction implantation (1997), brainstem implantation (1998), and middle-ear implantation (2003). He has implemented in Poland practically all implantable hearing improving systems. What’s more, he has been the pioneer of many of these solutions in Europe and worldwide.

One of his accomplishments has been initiating, in 1997, the first in the world program of partial deafness treatment and residual hearing preservation. In 2002, he performed the first cochlear implantation in an adult patient with partial deafness, and in 2004 in the first child with the same type of hearing loss. The surgical method considered his specialty, called ‘Skarzynski’s method,’ including the new electrode and procedure elaborated by him, was implemented in numerous cochlear implant centers in the world. As a result, the earlier indications for treatment with various types of the auditory implant have been expanded since 2014, and new, tens-of-millions strong target groups of patients, especially seniors, have been identified. Skarzynski’s partial deafness treatment method has enabled him to obtain the first in the world results of combined hearing: natural and electric through a cochlear implant, in adults and in children.

With  associate prof. M. Góralówna, they were the first in Poland to start screening for early detection of hearing defects in newborns and infants (1993). In 1995-98, prof. H. Skarzynski headed the first such program in Poland, commissioned by the Minister of Health, which allowed him to develop a program of newborn hearing screening in Poland and was a  significant contribution to the development of the Scientific European Consensus in Milan (1998). Later, together with the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing team, he conducted screening tests in schoolchildren – in Poland (since 1999) and on four continents (since 2012).  In 1997, prof.  H. Skarzynski initiated the world’s first program of treatment of profound deafness with preservation of residual hearing and inner ear structures. He presented the first results of this program at the European conference in Antwerp and the European congress of EUFOS in Berlin (2000).

He also introduced more than 158 novel clinical solutions contributing to the development of auditory implants, otosurgery, and audiology in Poland and the world. He initiated and organized the second in Europe Center for Deaf and Hearing Impaired People ‘Cochlear Center’ (1993), the departmental Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing (1996), and the World Hearing Center (the 1st part in 2003 and the 2nd  part in 2012). Thanks to almost 3 decades of prof. Skarzynski’s efforts, Polish patients have access to the newest technologies as the first or one of the first in the world. For 25 years, prof. Henryk Skarzynski himself, and for 20 years together with the whole team, has been performing the highest in the world number of hearing improving surgeries. He is also the author and co-author of 18 national and international patents.

Prof. H. Skarzynski authored and co-authored 4962 different scientific publications, 4135 presentations on meetings and conferences, and 66 scientific and popular science monographs. He leads an extensive teaching activity for students and physicians in Poland and abroad. He performed demonstration surgeries for over 8500 professors, department heads, and other specialists during 75 special international otosurgical courses called ‘Window Approach Workshop’ and during continental and international conferences and conventions organized in Kajetany and Warsaw. He performed demonstration surgeries in over a dozen countries in Asia, South America, and Europe. Altogether, he performed more than 1500. He was the president of 2 continental and 4 world congresses, 2 of which were held for the first time in Europe.

He is the honorary professor of Provo University, USA (1998) and the doctor honoris causa of the Maria Grzegorzewska University (2011), the Warsaw University (2012), and the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (2014), as well as the honorary professor of the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University Nicolae Testemitanu in Moldova (2013) and the honorary professor of the National Center for Mother and Child in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (2016).

He is a member of 22 most prestigious national and international scientific societies – corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), chairman of the Committee of Clinical Sciences of PAN (2007-2020), and currently its vice-chairman. Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Honorary member of the Society of Polish Otorhinolaryngologists, Phoniatrists and Audiologists, honorary member of the Slovak Society for Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, honorary member of the Danube Society of the Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and the Polish Medical Association. The first-ever Polish member of the American Otological Society and the American Neurotology Society. Member of CORLAS, POLITZER, ISA, IAO, EAONO and EFAS. He is also a member of the Central Committee for Degrees and Titles (2012-2020), the Scientific Council of the Minister of Health (2006-2020), member, since 2020, of the Expert Council of the Ombudsman for Patient Rights. Deputy Chairman of the Main Council of the Research Institutes (2013-2022), presently the Chairman. The head of the University Board of the Maria Grzegorzewska University (2019-2020). Since 2021, the Chairman of the University Board of the Cardinal Wyszyński University, and the Member of the Program Council of the Warsaw University of Technology Centre for Advanced Studies Advisory Council (2016-2020, 2021–2024).

Member of the Committee of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 2020. President of the Foundation ‘Akademia Polskiego Sukcesu’ (The Polish Success Academy), President of the Board of the Foundation “Pro Polonia” (since 2020), President of the Program Council of the Congress “Health of Poles” (since 2019), member of Scientific Council of the National Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Institute (since 2018); in the years 2016-2020 member of the Council for Senior Policy at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, member of the Scientific Council of the Main Medical Library (since 2016), member of the Honorary Council of the Foundation “I am an Optimist” (since 2016), member of the Supreme Medical Council (2010–2013), member of the Scientific Council of the Foundation Orange (since 2006), member of the Program Council of the Polish Society of Audioprosthetists (since 2002), member of the Council of the Department of Vocal and Acting Studies at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music (2002–2018), member of the Scientific Council of the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education (1999–2002). Since 1993, president of the Council of the Association of Friends of the Deaf and Hearing Impaired “Homo – Homini,” 1989-2000 member of the Council of the I Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw.

Prof. H. Skarzynski is the laureate of state awards – from President of Poland, Prime Minister of Poland and Ministers of Health, Science and Higher Education, Foreign Affairs, Economy, Education, Development, as well as numerous awards bestowed by the medical community and other prestigious Polish and foreign awards. He was decorated with the Polonia Restituta Knight’s, Officer’s, and Commander’s Cross by the president of the Republic of Poland and the state order awarded by the King of Belgium (twice) and orders granted by the President of Georgia and the President of Ukraine. Honorary Citizen of Warsaw. Laureate of the plebiscite “People of Freedom” in category science, organized on the 25th anniversary of regaining independence. In 2018, the President of Poland awarded him the Medal of the Centenary of Regaining Independence and the Prime Minister the medal and diploma “100 Years of Regained Independence”. In 2019, he was awarded the White Eagle Promotional Emblem and received from the prime minister the honorary badge ‘For contributions to inventiveness’.In 2021, he has received the individual Economy Award of the President of Poland, the award ‘Eagle of the Century’ of ‘Rzeczpospolita’, the title ‘Visionary in Health’ of the ‘Do Rzeczy’ magazine, the Welconomy Emerald, and was distinguished in the plebiscite for a person who had the largest impact on the life of our society in the last twenty years organized by the ‘Newsweek’.

Hearing implantations performed by prof. H. Skarzynski to treat total and partial deafness has been recognized in the plebiscite ‘Science is Freedom,’ organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as the most important scientific event of the last 25 years. In 2019, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) had distinguished the “Skarzynski’s Method – the Polish School in the Partial Deafness Treatment” as one of 34 accomplishments promoting Polish science in the world.

Various communities have awarded prof. H. Skarzynski; he received, e.g., the medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice granted by Pope Francis, the Primate’s Medal given by His Eminence Archbishop Wojciech Polak the Primate of Poland and the Medal ‘For merits to the Archdiocese of Warsaw’ awarded by His Eminence Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz. He was also awarded by the international chapters of the Order of Smile and the ECCE HOMO Medal. Since 2001, prof. H. Skarżyński has been consistently counted among the 100 most influential people in Polish medicine and healthcare in the ‘Puls Medycyny’ magazine ranking: he was 12 times in the top ten, twice at the first position and four times the second. Also, the Polish technical community awarded prof.  H. Skarzynski the titles of the Golden Engineer and the Honorary Engineer. Among about 400 awards bestowed by various communities, particularly worthy of mention is the award of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce “Buława”, Special Honorary Pearl awarded by the editors of ‘Polish Market’, the title ‘Outstanding Pole’ awarded by the Chapter of the ‘Teraz Polska’ Competition, Medal of the Commission of National Education, Medal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, the Mikolaj Kopernik Medal bestowed by the Presidium of Polish Academy of Sciences, the Prof. Jan Nielubowicz Medal awarded by the District Medical Council in Warsaw, the title ‘Benevolenti’ for supporting pro-social initiatives awarded by the Pro Seniore Foundation, the Tytus Chałubiński Medal, ‘Bene Meritus’ Badge, LAUDABILIS distinction awarded by the District Medical Council and the title ‘Trustworthy’ for special merits for the benefit of the Medical Self-Government, Gloria Medicinae medal and honorary membership awarded for outstanding services for medicine by the Polish Medical Association, the statuette of the Television Academy of Victors in the category of Personality of Science and Culture, Honorary title “Oscar of the Polish Business – 20 years”, the ’21st Century Achievement Award Winners’ in the category ‘healthcare’ for the System of Remote Fitting and Tele-rehabilitation Ensuring Remote Care for Implant Users in Washington, the Professor Zbigniew Religa Special Prize and Medal granted by the Foundation for Children ‘Zdążyć z Pomocą’. Prof. H. Skarzynski also received medals for merits and cooperation from the University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw University of Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

Representing Polish science and medicine, prof. H. Skarzynski and his team have undertaken organizing screening programs in more than 20 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America.

In 2012, prof.  H. Skarzynski and his team have won the Gold Medal and the main award in the Prix Galien, one of the most important competitions in the world rewarding the most innovative breakthroughs in pharmacy, medicine, and the widely defined healthcare, taking place in Monte Carlo for almost half a century. In 2016, during the 14th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Technologies – CI2016 in Toronto, the international scientific community awarded prof. Henryk Skarżyński and four other scientists, with the highest recognition of the international community for the extraordinary contributions to the development of science and medicine and ensuring optimal opportunities for interpersonal communication in modern societies.

Prof. H. Skarzynski is the initiator and originator of the largest health prevention project – the Multidisciplinary Program for Counteracting the Diseases of Civilization and Health Support for Poles ‘Health First’, which has been carried out since 2016. In 2011, he was the main initiator for signing in Warsaw the European scientific consensuses on detection of hearing, sight, and speech defects in Warsaw, later endorsed and adopted by the EU Council as the “EU Council Conclusions on early detection and treatment of communication disorders in children, including the use of E-Health tools and innovative solutions.”

The greatest achievement in scientific, clinical, and didactic fields was developing a concept, construction, and the launch of the World Hearing Center – the world’s largest scientific and clinical center; its team performs the largest number of hearing improving surgeries in the world since 21 years. Prof. H. Skarzynski himself performed over 235 thousand surgeries.

Since 2015, he organizes the International Music Festival for Children, Youths, and Adults with Hearing Disorders ‘Beats of Cochlea’. He participated with its laureates in special sessions of the European Parliament in 2018 and 2019.

In 2019, on the stage of the Warsaw Chamber Opera, the musical ‘Interrupted Silence’ presented life stories of his patients; some of the patients appeared as themselves. Prof. H. Skarzynski wrote the musical’s libretto. Currently, he is preparing two screenplays on the challenges of interpersonal communication in modern society.

Prof. Henryk Skarzynski is also the author of the cinematic novel “The Return of Beethoven” in which, through the looking glass of the composer’s tragedy, he presents the artistic achievements of his patients in the World Hearing Center and other places and the accomplishments of the Polish program of deafness treatment.