Professor Henryk Skarżyński in the top of 100 most influential people in Polish medicine

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Professor Henryk Skarżyński in the top of 100 most influential people in Polish medicine

Professor Henryk Skarżyński in the top of 100 most influential people in Polish medicine

On February the 18th 2019 at Polonia Palace hotel in Warsaw a ceremonial Gala was held during which the results of LIST OF 100 2018 plebiscite were announced. Rector of Warsaw Medical University Professor Mirosław Wielgoś and Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski took first positions as the most influential people in 2018 in medicine and in health care system categories respectively. The honorable second place in “medicine” category was awarded to Professor Henryk Skarżyński M.D., Ph.D., dr. h.c. multi, who was in the first 100 of the list in all plebiscites since 16 years, including 10 times in the first 10 and twice on the first place of the LIST OF 100.    

The candidates were evaluated by the competition chapter in three categories: achievements in 2018, professional reputation and influence in the medical environment as well as the power of public influence. Numerous achievements are the symbol of the year 2018 for Professor Henryk Skarżyński.

– That was a very busy and good year. It was very important for us because as the world-famous institution – which was created as a result of transformation of established in 1993 Cochlear Implant Center to World Hearing Center – we have celebrated 25th anniversary. We are proud that the jubilee of building and shaping our identity felt in the year of Polish independence century – said Professor Skarżyński in occasional interview for “Puls Medycyny” – We are honored that created by our achievements “the Polish otosurgical school” in world science contributed to promotion of Polish science and medicine. I am happy that since 25 tears we are able to effectively help patients with hearing and speech disorders, that Polish people have access to the newest technologies as the first or one of the first in the world. It was with them in mind when we organized a debate “Music in auditory development of human being” – its honorable guest was First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda. Mrs. Duda expressed words of respect and was very interested in achievements and possibilities of our patients, especially children. With the most talented patients in mind we organize International Music Festival “Beats of Cochlea”. Its participants are the best ambassadors of what we were able to achieve in hearing disorders treatment with the support of the development in science and medicine. In November last year at the EU President’s invitation we have presented the achievements of science and medicine as well as their artistic skills in the European Parliament. The possibility to perform in front of the world of European science and politics is a great honor. 2018 was also a year of numerous activities under the interdisciplinary program of support to Polish people “Health First” – adds Professor.

Last year the specialists from Kajetany had launched two pioneer clinical programs – together with centers in Denver, Nijmegen, Freiburg and Melbourne Professor Piotr H. Skarżyński M.D., Ph.D., Msc., did the first in the world implantation of Cochlear OSIA OSI100 and the first in Poland HiRes Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant Hassle Free surgery by Professor Henryk Skarżyński. This implant used for the first time in the world for patients with partial deafness is specially dedicated to seniors. This device allows MRI scans at 3 T induction.

For achievements in another field of medicine, the jury awarded Professor Mirosław Wielgoś – Rector of the Warsaw Medical University, head of the 1st Department and Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Warsaw Medical University, national consultant in the field of perinatology. Prof. Henryk Skarżyński – in an unusual role – in laudation in honor of the laureate stressed the importance and significance – for thousands of patients – of innovative operations carried out in the womb of the mother. An example of such an operation is intrauterine fetal surgery, which allows effectively help children with spina bifida before birth. It is also safer for the mother comparing to the classic surgery.

As the most influential in health care system the jury awarded Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski. The Minister was recognized for introduction of many IT solutions in Polish health service – e-prescription, e-sick note, internet patient account, e-referral as well as for his determination in fight against staff shortages in health service .

This year’s edition of the plebiscite has also become an opportunity to debut for IFiPS Associate Professor Piotr H. Skarżyński M.D., Ph.D., Msc. specialist in otorhinolaryngology (also pediatric) and audiology, deputy head of the Department of Teleaudiology and Screening Research IFiPS was ranked 34th list of one hundred most influential people in Polish medicine.

– For 16 years „Puls Medycyny” awards people who have special influence on the Polish medicine development, and for 4 years we also recognize those who contribute to the improvement of the health care system in Poland – said the editor in chief Małgorzata Konaszczuk – We still do not have enough space to award everyone and the decision on selection is more difficult every year. But that is optimistic as it proves that we do have a large group of outstanding physicians as well as many people involved in improving our healthcare.