Ignacy Gogolewski and Prof. Jerzy Stuhr are our Friends Forever

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Ignacy Gogolewski and Prof. Jerzy Stuhr are our Friends Forever

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Ignacy Gogolewski and Prof. Jerzy Stuhr are our Friends Forever

The board „Friends Forever” greets all patients and guests of the World Hearing Center, commemorating the famous people, artists and outstanding scientists who had in special ways contributed to the creation and development of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing. The list of names is open and the group of Friends Forever is steadily growing. On 4th October 2016 two famous actors have joined this select company: Ignacy Gogolewski and Prof. Jerzy Stuhr.

– This board commemorates people who had trusted us and who identify with our passion and work – said Prof. Henryk Skarżyński at the start of the ceremony of unveiling of the plaques with the names of Ignacy Gogolewski and Prof. Jerzy Stuhr.

„I often ask myself, is this friendship, or is this love”. These words from the poem ‘Hesitance’ („Niepewność”) by Adam Mickiewicz Ignacy Gogolewski had quoted at the beginning of his speech. – Friendship I have here in my hand – he said indicating a blue ribbon. – Speaking of love, I confess that I had always been fascinated with medicine. You have to love this lady, because she can help you reach the age of 80+. I have reasons to be grateful to her!”

– I have never been in the Institute as a patient, but now, when I have been honored to become a Friend Forever, I will probably land here – joked Ignacy Gogolewski. Referring to his words, Prof. Jerzy Stuhr after unveiling his name on the Friends Forever board said: My relationships with medicine had recently been long and strong, but this story has a happy ending – I am a friend, not a patient.

– Master Ignacy Gogolewski said that actors are fascinated with medicine. We, doctors, are fascinated with acting and art. – recapitulated Prof. Henryk Skarżyński. Referring to these words both actors have spoken with admiration about Prof. Henryk Skarżyński’s contributions to the promotion of art, such as the idea of organizing the International Music Festival for Children, Youths, and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea”. – The participants of this Festival have a passion for something that is the most difficult for them. They could have been, for example, painting, but they prefer music. I find it hard to understand – said Prof. Jerzy Stuhr. – This is why I admire Prof. Henryk Skarżyński – because he had been able to discover it and, continuing this undertaking, he wants to give people with hearing impairments a chance to realize their musical dreams.

After unveiling of the plaques, the actors have received from Prof. Henryk Skarżyński the symbolic statuettes of a snail and Golden Patient Cards. – I wish you the best of health – said Prof. Skarżyński – but please keep these cards so that we can offer our help whenever you need it.