Debate in the World Hearing Center with participation of Agata Kornhauser-Duda

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Debate in the World Hearing Center with participation of Agata Kornhauser-Duda

Debate in the World Hearing Center with participation of Agata Kornhauser-Duda

On 26th March 2018, the First Lady had visited the World Hearing Center of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing and took part in the debate with participation of patients. During the meeting, Agata Kornhauser-Duda has received the honorary statuette of the Friend of the Festival ‘Beats of Cochlea’.

In the debate ‘Music in human auditory development’ participated laureates of several editions of the International Music Festival ‘Beats of Cochlea’ who, in their presentations, have underlined the invaluable effect that the achievements of modern medicine had on their daily functioning. – Music gives you great joy, and the Festival has given you a chance to present your accomplishments to a wider audience – said the First Lady addressing the musicians with hearing disorders, who have performed in the artistic part of the debate. – For me, you are the heroes, because you prove that things commonly thought to be impossible, can become possible – she added. Patients, who thanks to surgical treatment can successfully pursue their artistic passions, participate in competitions and professionally perform on stage.

Afterwards, Agata Kornhauser-Duda has viewed the prototypes of the innovative Capsules of Sensory Examination. Then in the Center of Telemedicine she had got acquainted with the possibilities of the first in the world National Network of Telemedicine, which enables the specialists employed in Kajetany to participate, for example, in real time in surgeries performed in other cities. The First Lady visited also the Education Center, where on a special model she could train the use of the endoscope. More and more specialists from abroad take advantage of the educational offer of the Institute; some of the educational activities are addressed to patients and their families.

Agata Kornhauser-Duda has expressed special appreciation to the employees of the Institute, whose professional skills and work allow performing hearing restoring surgeries. – As a Pole, I am particularly glad that such incredible things happen in our country – commented the First Lady speaking about Polish patients who as the first, or one of the first in the world have access to the newest technologies.

The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing is the leading Polish research institute and highly specialized hospital providing comprehensive care to patients with hearing, voice, speech, balance and breathing disorders. The Institute has enormous experience in providing medical services, as there are up to 21 thousand surgical procedures performed yearly in the World Hearing Center. Every day the largest number in the world – several dozen – of hearing improving surgeries is performed in the Center. Until present day there have been more than 6 thousand implant surgeries performed in the Institute, which also makes it one of the world’s leaders in that field.