Tag : dzieci
The Marshal of the Mazovian Voivodship Award is one of the most prestigious distinctions in the Mazovia Region, honoring the most valuable achievements of the region’s residents in the field of arts, promotion, and preservation of broadly understood culture and ..
The Warsaw’s Cultural Education Award is a competition for the best cultural education projects and programs, organized and funded by the City of Warsaw. This year, the first prize in the category “Other Wonderful Projects” was awarded to Professor Henryk ..
On 9 July 2020, during the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Polish Olympic Movement at the Polish Olympic Committee (PKOL) headquarters in Warsaw, Prof. Henryk Skarżyński received the commemorative award. The President of the Committee – Andrzej Kraśnicki ..
World Hearing Day, initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), is celebrated on the 3rd March each year. This year’s edition under the slogan „Don’t let hearing loss limit you” is widespread, as it is estimated that around 466 million ..
On 5 October 2019, the Szlakiem Tęczy Society celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Cultural Centre in Nadarzyn (Nadarzyński Ośrodek Kultury). On that occasion, the donors, collaborators and, above all, the friends of the Society were presented with commemorative statuettes. ..
European Research and Innovation Days, i.e. annual meetings of world leaders and decision makers in various areas of industry, science and business, held this year in Brussels, were graced with performances given by musically talented patients of Prof. Henryk Skarżyński ..
“For years we have been able to observe the Institute’s patients for whom music provided invaluable support during rehabilitation. These observations motivated me to organize the International Music Festival for Children, Youths and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea,” ..
The fourth edition of the “Multi-specialist year-long programme for preventing civilisation diseases and supporting Poles’ health – Health First” was officially launched, just like last year, outside the Polish Television and Polish Radio buildings. Residents of the capital city were ..
Almost 1000 scientists, otolaryngologists, audiologists, phoniatrists, as well as clinical engineers from all over the world will participate in the 32nd Politer Society Meeting and the 2nd World Congress of Otology that will be held in Warsaw and Kajetany. Consequently, ..
On 7 May 2019, during a grand gala at the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic, the audience was presented with the names of new laureates of this year’s Podlachia Brand. This year, almost 300 candidates in seven thematic categories have been ..
– If Ludwig van Beethoven lived today, we could treat him successfully; but if he had not lost his hearing, he would not have created music that we are so ravished by today – said Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, MD PhD ..
On 24-25 April 2019, the 3rd International Congress of Patient Empowerment took place at the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. During the congress, Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, the director of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing and the National ..
Oncology, social security and hearing were the leading topics of a seminar titled “On health of the Sadeckie population”, which took place on March 28, 2019 at the Malopolska Cultural Center “Sokol” in Nowy Sacz. Professor Henryk Skarzynski was a ..
The European Academy of Sciences and Arts is a non-governmental non-profit association dedicated to promotion of scientific and social progress. Among the 2000 of its members there are world’s most prominent researchers and artists, including 32 Nobel Prize winners. Recently, ..
March 3rd marks the celebration of the World Hearing Day as declared by the World Health Organization. Several months ago, in July 2018, the third global meeting on the program for the prevention and treatment of hearing loss was held ..
February 25th marks the International Cochlear Implant Day and the 62th anniversary of world’s first implantation of a cochlear implant. In Poland, the first surgery making use of this technique to restore hearing in a deaf patient was performed on ..
On February the 18th 2019 at Polonia Palace hotel in Warsaw a ceremonial Gala was held during which the results of LIST OF 100 2018 plebiscite were announced. Rector of Warsaw Medical University Professor Mirosław Wielgoś and Minister of Health ..
The debate titled “Modern medical technologies and their impact on prophylaxis and everyday clinical practice in the Polish healthcare system” co-organized by professor Henryk Skarzynski and the Speaker of the House, Mr. Stanislaw Karczewski, took place on 17 October 2018. ..
Professor Henryk Skarżyński – the pioneer of auditory implants in Poland and globally – together with his team had implanted almost 8,000 different types of auditory implants bringing generations of patients back to their families and professional activity. Initiating and ..
“Health First” Program is an initiative of Prof. Henryk Skarżyński launched in 2016 and implemented on an increasingly large scale. The third edition of the Program began in June at the Polish Television building and the building of Polish Radio ..
On September 28, on the occasion of opening ceremony of the academic year 2018/2019, Prof. Henryk Skarżyński delivered a keynote lecture, at the M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education (APS) in Warsaw, entitled: “Hearing in Human Development”. It is worth ..
On September 27, 2018, an agreement was signed in the Ministry of Health for co-financing the implementation of the Project entitled “Training of doctors in the Center of Advanced Surgical Techniques of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology at the ..
On October 1, 2018, a Gala was held at the MS Meramid Conference Center in Warsaw, to announce the laureates of the third edition of the “Polish Entrepreneur of the year 2017 of the Gazeta Polska Codziennie” contest. The event ..
Director of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, took part in the debate entitled “Regional Health Programs in Local Government Policy”, held during this year’s Economic Forum in Krynica, on September 4, 2018. Health policy ..
The 4th edition of the International Music Festival for Children, Youth and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea” was ended with a concert of 10 laureates selected by the jury. “Please, let’s not hide emotions, it is so noble ..